The 2nd CRERC International Seminar
On September 21, 2023, the 2nd CRERC International Seminar was held as a hybrid of the Hitachi campus and online. Dr. Ibrahim Sadiek (Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology, Germany) presented a topic on the principles and use of absorption spectroscopy using frequency comb lasers. The frequency comb's broad bandwidth and spectral resolution are […]
The 1st CRERC International Seminar
On August 1, 2023, the first CRERC International Seminar was held at a hybrid of the Hitachi campus and online, and two topics on basic research on fuel utilization were presented in English by the Utilization Unit.The opening remarks were made by Associate Professor Yasuyuki Sakai, Deputy Director of CRERC, followed by presentations by Dr. […]
CRERC Kick-off Symposium
The CRERC Kick-off Symposium was held on June 2, 2023. For a detailed report of the event, please click [here].
CRERC Establishment Ceremony
On April 5, 2023, a ceremony was held to celebrate the establishment of CRERC. For a detailed report of the event, please click [here].