
36Takahiro Ami, Kouki Oka, Hitoshi Kasai and Tatsuo Kimura
"Developing porous electrocatalysts to minimize overpotential for the oxygen evolution reaction"
ChemComm, Volume 61, Number 8, January 25, 2025
35Yujiro Hirano, Toshiaki Ichinose, Yukitaka Ohashi, Yohei Shiraki, Akio Onishi, Yukiko Yoshida
"Simulation of urban surface temperature and surface heat balance in the Tokyo metropolitan area",
Sustainable Cities and Society 112 105596-105596, Oct, 2024
34Toshiaki Ichinose, Yi Pan, Yukiko Yoshida
"Clothing color effect as a target of the smallest scale climate change adaptation",
International Journal of Biometeorology 1-12, Jul 4, 2024
"自然通風利用のための窓開閉と快適性に関するオフィス実態調査 実測と環境シミュレーション(CFD)との比較",
日本建築学会第46回情報・システム・利用・技術シンポジウム論文集, 2023年12月
技術雑誌「スマートグリッド」, 2023年10月
31伊藤 高,平田 輝満,大田 和正,小池 淳司
土木学会論文集 80(7) 23-00174-n/a 2024年7月
30Nobuo HONGO, Terumitsu HIRATA
"Advanced Methodology for Obtaining Early Warning Information and Safety Confirmation Information in Disaster using Drones with Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) Receivers and Smartphones",
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 15 221-240, June, 2024
29高橋 和晃,平田 輝満
土木学会論文集・特集号(土木計画学), 2024年5月
28菊池 拓真,平田 輝満
"呼出型最適経路バス「MyRide のるる」に対する利用者の意識と交通機関選択に関する基礎的分析",
土木学会論文集・特集号(土木計画学), 2024年5月
27深谷 泰己,平田 輝満,根本 敏則
土木学会論文集, 2024年2月
26伊藤 高,平田 輝満,井上 和則,剣持 健
交通工学論文集(特集号), 2024年2月
25Huynh Van Thao, Mitsunori Tarao, Hideshige Takada, Tomoyasu Nishizawa, Tran Sy Nam, Nguyen Van Cong, Do Thi Xuan
"Methanotrophic Inoculation Reduces Methane Emissions from Rice Cultivation Supplied with Pig-Livestock Biogas Digestive Effluent",
Agronomy, 14(6) 1140-1140, May 27, 2024
24Zhihua Bao, Chaojun Wang, Jiahui Cao, Tingting Zhang, Yong Guo, Yoshinori Sato, Tomoyasu Nishizawa, Hiroyuki Ohta
"Tardiphaga alba sp. nov., a heavy-metal-tolerant bacterium isolated from garden soil",
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 74(1), Jan 10, 2024
23Han Sun, Tomoyasu Nishizawa, Hiroyuki Ohta, Kazuhiko Narisawa
"Dark septate endophytic fungi associated with pioneer grass inhabiting volcanic deposits and their functions in promoting plant growth",
Biogeosciences, 20(23) 4737-4749, Nov 29, 2023
22Yusuke Takashima, Kohei Yamamoto, Yousuke Degawa, Yong Guo, Tomoyasu Nishizawa, Hiroyuki Ohta & Kazuhiko Narisawa
"Detection and isolation of a new member of Burkholderiaceae-related endofungal bacteria from Saksenaea boninensis sp. nov., a new thermotolerant fungus in Mucorales",
IMA Fungus, 14(1) 24, Nov, 2023
21迫田 翠,西澤智康
アグリバイオ 7(12) 14(1026)-18(1030) 2023年11月
20Ayako Inaguma, Haruki Nagakawa, Sora Kamata, Morio Nagata
"Influence of Sacrificial Reagents on the Photodeposition Reaction of Co-catalysts"
Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research, 5, 2300295 (2024).
19Haruki Nagakawa
"Introduction and Quantification of Sulfide Ion Defects in Highly Crystalline CdS for Photocatalysis Applications"
Physica Status Solidi A – Applications and Materials Science, in press (2024).
18Sora Kamata, Haruki Nagakawa, Ayako Inaguma, Morio Nagata
"Synthesis and Photoreforming Reaction of CdS Prepared from MOF Precursor"
ChemPhotoChem, in press (2024).
17大草見斗, 古谷健太, 𠮷田一帆, 境田悟志, 田中光太郎, 金野満, 木下幸一, 阿部容子, 小玉聡, 森伸介
自動車技術会論文集, 55, 2, 328-334 (2024).
16島田 敦史, 助川 義寛, 熊野 賢吾, 北島 克紀, 小野 智也, 田中 光太郎
日本機械学会論文集, 90, 931 (2024).
15吉田一帆, 古谷健太, 大草見斗, 戚洪彬, 田中光太郎, 戸辺祥太, 石坂浩大, 長谷島丞, 北川哲夫, 小野雅広
自動車技術会論文集, accepted (2024).
14Weidi Huang, Koichi Kinoshita, Yohko Abe, Mitsuharu Oguma, Kotaro Tanaka
"Investigation on Fuel Properties of Synthetic Gasoline-like Fuels"
International Journal of Automotive Manufacturing and materials, 3(1), 5, 10005 (2024).
13境田悟志, 佐久間亮輔, 田中拓実, 酒井康行, 田中光太郎, 金野満
自動車技術会論文集,54, 5, 945-950 (2023).
12Shunsuke Suzuki, Shota Kiuchi, Koichi Kinoshita, Yoshinaka Takeda, Satoshi Sakaida, Mitsuru Konno, Yasuyuki Sakai, Kotaro Tanaka, Mitsuharu Oguma
"Experimental and Kinetic Modeling Study of Fuel-rich Oxidation of 2-Methylfuran in an Atmospheric Flow Reactor"
Combustion and Flame, 255, 112921 (2023).
11Kotaro Tanaka, Yasuyuki Sakai, Yudai Ishii, Yusuke Yokobayashi, Satoshi Sakaida, Mitsuru Konno
"An experimental study on the conversion of CaO to CaSO4 during diesel particulate filter regeneration"
Emission Control Science and Technology, 9, 120-127 (2023).
10Shinji Hayashi, Yasuyuki Sakai, Kotaro Tanaka
"A theoretical study on the relationship between pressure rise and the Damkohler number of end-gas auto-ignition in spark-ignited engines"
Combustion Theory and Modeling, 27, 4, 605-626 (2023).
9"Study of Cu-growth feature by selective low-pressure chemical vapor deposition using a CuI precursor", Gento Toyoda, Hikari Kikuchi, Satoshi Yamauchi,* Tatsuya Joutsuka, Takashi Fuse, and Yusuke Kubota, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 62 (SH), SH1002 (2023). 
82023年6月 (共) Tatsuya Sone, Yuta Miyazaki, Yasuyuki Sakai: A quantum chemical and kinetics study on the unimolecular reactions of fuel radicals formed during the oxidation of n-propylamine, Int. J. Quantum Chem., Vol.123, Issue 19.
7Enhanced supply of acetyl-CoA by exogenous pantothenate kinase promotes synthesis of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)
Hirotaka Kudo, Sho Ono, Kenta Abe, Mami Matsuda, Tomohisa Hasunuma, Tomoyasu Nishizawa, Munehiko Asayama, Hirofumi Nishihara & Shigeru Chohnan*
Microb. Cell Fact. 22, 75 (2023) BMC
6Complete genome sequence of Pseudoalteromonas sp. PS1M3, a psychrotrophic bacterium isolated from deep-sea sediment off the Boso Peninsula, Japan Trench
Yoshihito Nikaidou, Yong Guo, Mahoko Taguchi, Shigeru Chohnan, Tomoyasu Nishizawa*, Yasurou Kurusu*
Mar. Genom. 69, 101028 (2023) Elsevier B.V.
5平田 輝満,安ヶ平 玲央:飛行距離と機材・便数選択からみた国内航空ネットワークにおけるCO2削減ポテンシャルの推計,土木学会論文集D3(土木計画学),Vol.78,No. 5,p. I_753-I_759,2023.
3渡部大輔,平田輝満,坂井孝典,根本敏則,兵藤哲朗 :高速道路におけるトラック隊列走行・自動運転に対応した物流拠点の整備に関する研究,日本物流学会誌(論文R),第31号,pp.57-64,2023/6.
2Nobuo HONGO, Terumitsu HIRATA: Advanced Methodology for Obtaining Early Warning Information and Safety Confirmation Information in Disaster using Drones with Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) Receivers and Smartphones, Proceedings of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.14, 2023.
1吉田友紀子、辻村壮平、谷村星哉、杉村奈南、久野覚「鳥のさえずりがバイオフィリックデザイン空間における積極的快適性に与える影響 HMD型VR技術を用いた静止画像の評価」日本建築学会環境系論文集,第88巻,第809号, 565-574頁.https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/aije/88/809/88_565/_article/-char/ja/


8Gen Ariyoshi, Koichi Saruta, Hiroyuki Kogawa, Masatoshi Futakawa, Kohki Maeno, Yanrong Li, Kihei TsuTsui,
"Effect of Inner Wall Cracking on the Cavitation Bubble Formation in the Mercury Spallation Target at J-PARC”,
Proceeding of 20th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-20), Aug 23, 2023
7Keichi Obata, Satoshi Someya, Sou Yasuzawa, Yanrong Li,
"Time-response evaluation of TSP phosphor with pulse heating at low temperature",
Proceeding of The 17th Asian Symposium on Visualization(ASV17), Jun 7, 2023
6Kotaro Tanaka, Ibuki Dobashi, Satoshi Sakaida, Mitsuru Konno
"Experimental and modeling study of NH3-SCR on a hydrocarbon-poisoned Cu-CHA catalyst"
Energy Propulsion Conference and Exhibision 2023 accepted (2023).
5Dittapoom Shinabuth, Yuya Ohmori, Katsuki Kitajima, Tomoya Ono, Satoshi Sakaida, Yasuyuki Sakai, Mitsuru Konno, Kotaro Tanaka
"Effect of Olefin Content in Gasoline on Knock Characteristics and HCHO Emission in Lean Burn Spark Ignition Engine"
JSAE/SAE Powertrain Energy and Lubricants International Meeting 2023, SAE Technical Paper 2023-32-0083 (2023).
4Susumu Sato, Jiaxin Chen, Chanpaya Eang, Kotaro Tanaka, Takeshi Tange
"Effects of Different Driving Behavior during Actual Road Driving on Ammonia Emissions from Gasoline Vehicles"
JSAE/SAE Powertrain Energy and Lubricants International Meeting 2023, SAE Technical Paper 2023-32-0095 (2023).
3Jiaxin Chen, Susumu Sato, Chanpaya Eang, Kotaro Tanaka, Takeshi Tange
"Real-world cold start emissions evaluation for direct-injection gasoline vehicles with PEMS and SEMS"
SAE world congress 2023, SAE Technical paper 2023-01-0379 (2023).
2The 17th Asian Symposium on Visualization(ASV17)
June 5-10, 2023
National Olympics Memorial Youth Center, Tokyo, Japan
Keichi Obata, Satoshi Someya, Sou Yasuzawa and Yanrong Li, Time-response evaluation of TSP phosphor with pulse heating at low temperature, No. 2116
120th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-20)
August 20-25, 2023
Washington, D.C.|Washington Hilton
Gen Ariyoshi, Koichi Saruta, Hiroyuki Kogawa, Masatoshi Futakawa, Kohki Maeno, Yanrong Li and Kihei TsuTsui, Effect of Inner Wall Cracking on the Cavitation Bubble Formation in the Mercury Spallation Target at J-PARC